Sunday, May 20, 2012

Chris Christie Cory Booker Team Up for SeinfeldInspired Sketch [Video] 'very uncomfortable' with Obama's attack on Romney 'The great American crisis of our generation is education' Newark mayor business record fair game A Reader's Take the Gambit No That's Not What I Meant! Booker's Snowspiration Gov. vs. in Seinfeldlike video spoof Talking Points Mayor goes off book Video Day and Viral Tall good rich better sez Mike Fighting Crime With Jewelry Lampooning New Jersey's viral channels Seinfeld team up web

Cory Booker Clarifies Criticism Of Obama's Campaign Tactics (VIDEO) Newark, NJ mayor Cory Booker released a YouTube video Sunday evening reiterating his support for President Barack Obama and clarifying criticism he made earlier in the day about the president's campaign tactics. Cory Booker slams Obama campaign ad attacking Romney's Bain Capital record Newark Mayor Cory Booker slammed the Obama campaign's ad criticizing Mitt Romney's record as the head of Bain Capital, and called for an end to"nauseating" attacks from both sides. "I have to just say from a very personal level, I'm not about to sit here and indict private equity," Booker, a Democrat, said in an [...] Cory Booker, surrogate from hell What Cory Booker has to gain by calling President Obama's attacks on Bain Capital "nauseating" Cory Booker 'very uncomfortable' with Obama's attack on Romney (+video) Newark, New Jersey, Mayor Cory Booker is a rising star in the Democratic Party, portrayed as heroic recently for rescuing a woman from a burning building in his neighborhood. And he's a big fan of President Obama, who he's done some campaigning for. Cory Booker: Attacks on Private Equity 'Nauseating' Though tagging Mitt Romney as a greedy corporate raider has become a favorite Obama campaign attack, one Obama surrogate isn't happy with attacks on private equity. Newark Mayor Cory Booker: Obama attacks on private equity 'nauseating,' 'crap' On Sunday's broadcast of NBC's "Meet the Press," Newark, N.J. Democratic Mayor Cory Booker pushed back at efforts by President Barack Obama's campaign to malign former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney for the time he spent at Bain Capital. Cory Booker 'very uncomfortable' with Obama's attack on Romney Newark Mayor Cory Booker is a campaign surrogate for Barack Obama and a rising Democratic star. But he finds himself 'very uncomfortable' with Obama's attacks on Mitt Romney's business record. The Caucus: Cory Booker Criticizes Obama Campaign in TV Appearance Mayor Cory Booker of Newark, a prominent Democrat enlisted as a surrogate for President Obama's campaign, sharply criticized the campaign on "Meet the Press" on Sunday for attacking Mitt Romney's work in the private equity firm Bain Capital. Cory Booker slams Obama campaign ad Newark Mayor Cory Booker slammed the Obama campaign's ad criticizing Mitt Romney's record as the head of Bain Capital, and called for an end to"nauseating" attacks from both sides. Cory Booker Walks Back Comment That Obama Campaign Attacks On Bain Are 'Nauseating' During an appearance on Meet the Press , Newark Mayor Cory Booker decried "nauseating" campaign tactics coming from both parties, singling out in particular attacks from the Obama campaign on Mitt Romney's private sector experience at Bain Capital. Well, Booker slightly backtracked from his remarks on YouTube, explaining that while he may have an issue with how negative the race has become, he ...
Key Words: cory booker


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